Manuscript Assessment

manuscriot assessment plume editorial

An editorial assessment, giving you feedback on your manuscript

I will go through your manuscript and examine its strengths and weaknesses. This service focuses on top-level issues and aims to give you concrete feedback on your completed manuscript so it can reach its fullest potential.

After careful analysis, I’ll provide an editorial letter with my overall thoughts, directions, suggestions, and examples from your text. Unlike a developmental edit, this service doesn’t include annotations and comments made directly within the manuscript.

At a glance

notes manuscript plume editorial

“I loved the notes Sarah provided me! I found her suggestions clear and straightforward and most importantly encouraging. She not only told me what I could improve but talked about the things that worked too. I couldn’t wait to start revising once I finished reading her notes. She gave me a well-rounded list that covered character development, relationship development, setting and plot–each in an in-depth and thorough manner. It was clear she had a solid understanding of my novel along with a real sense of my vision for it. Thanks to her notes I knew exactly what I needed to do to revise. I would definitely recommend!”

Elizabeth Toth

YA Fiction Author (Historical Fantasy)

fiction author plume editorial

Manuscript Assessment

What’s included:

  • An editorial assessment letter (also called “edit letter”) of 5 – 8 pages, addressing the top three issues in your manuscript with practical suggestions on how to fix them, and some writing conventions to elevate your writing skills
  • Identify what’s working and not working
  • Assess how well the manuscript fits into its genre and category
  • Up to 1 hour follow-up guidance by email or video/audio call

Fiction manuscripts only – in my preferred genres

$0,015 / €0,013 per word


Completion in 6 weeks for an 80K novel (after a timeline has been agreed upon and half payment is received).

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